Many people assume that the underfloor heating cost of a whole-house system will be higher than their gas/oil furnace, simply because gas is currently cheaper than electricity. But it’s simply not the case. Running costs will always depend on the room size and the running time, as well as how well the room is insulated. The information below will give you an accurate idea of underfloor heating costs.
The unparalleled accuracy of Warmup’s electric underfloor heating costs
Warmup has extensively tested its underfloor heating systems, running under normal operating conditions, in a test laboratory built to AS/NZS specifications. The data collected from this testing allows us to give you peace of mind by telling you exactly how our products perform in a given situation letting you choose the product and installation method that is right for you. Warmup is the only manufacturer with this information and the only company that can answer your electric underfloor heating costs questions with accuracy. Tests were performed using Warmup heaters, and this data is accurate for Warmup heaters only.
Save money by insulating properly and reducing heat-up times
During the heat-up period, as the floor reaches its set temperature, the heater is running at full power. After this period, the heater needs to run at only half power to maintain the set temperature. Simply put, the faster the floor heats up, the cheaper the system is to run. By properly insulating your floor with Marmox Insulation Board, you can reduce the heat-up period significantly. In turn, you reduce the overall underfloor heating cost by as much as 50%.
Is underfloor heating cost-effective? Soaring fuel prices make electric heating cheaper than gas
According to independent energy sources, since 2003, gas prices have risen by as much as 92% while electricity prices have only increased by just 54% in the same period. As electricity is almost 100% efficient at the point of use, whereas gas boilers waste energy by way of the flue and transport throughout the walls, gas users will soon be paying much more and receiving much less. The typical lifespan of a gas boiler system is ten years, according to industry estimates. Our underfloor heating for tile floors has no moving parts to wear out and comes with a Lifetime Warranty. The annual underfloor heating cost of a radiant underfloor system looks remarkably attractive – use our Calculator to see the running costs.